How to Create Accessible Digital Content for UK Websites?

Digital accessibility is no longer a niche topic; it has become a crucial aspect of web design and development. For UK websites, ensuring accessibility is not just about following the law but also about making digital content accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. This article will guide you through the essential steps to create accessible digital content that meets the needs of all users and complies with UK accessibility laws.

Understanding Digital Accessibility

Digital accessibility refers to the practice of making digital content usable by all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Despite the growing awareness, many websites still fail to meet the accessibility standards, creating barriers for people with disabilities. As creators of digital content, it is our responsibility to ensure that every user can access and benefit from the content we provide.

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Accessibility regulations in the UK, especially for public sector bodies, mandate that digital content must be accessible. This includes everything from websites and mobile apps to social media content. By adhering to these rules, you can create a more inclusive digital environment.

Why Accessibility Matters

Accessibility is not just about compliance; it’s about inclusion. Around 14 million people in the UK have some form of disability. By making content accessible, you provide equal opportunities for everyone to engage with your digital services. Moreover, accessible websites often perform better in search engine rankings, enhancing your site's visibility.

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An accessible website improves the user experience for everyone, not just those with disabilities. Features like alt text for images and clear, simple language can enhance your site's usability for all users. Ultimately, prioritizing accessibility leads to better engagement and a more satisfied audience.

Principles of Creating Accessible Content

When creating digital content, there are several principles you should follow to ensure accessibility. These principles help guide the creation process, ensuring that all users can access and understand the content.


Content should be presented in a way that users can perceive it with their senses. This means providing text alternatives for non-text content, such as images and audio, so that screen readers can read them. It also involves creating content that can be adapted to different formats without losing meaning.

Ensure that your website’s text is readable and distinguishable. Use appropriate color contrasts, and avoid using images of text. If you must use images of text, provide alternative text that describes the image’s content.


Users should be able to navigate and use your site easily. This includes providing keyboard access for all interactive elements and ensuring that users have enough time to read and use the content. Avoid designing content that causes seizures, such as flashing images.

Navigation aids like headings, links, and buttons should be clear and intuitive. Make sure that interactive elements can be used with keyboard-only navigation, which is vital for people with motor disabilities.


Your content should be easy to read and understand. Use clear and simple language, and provide instructions and feedback for user interactions. Consistent navigation and predictable functionality also enhance understanding.

Text should be written in a straightforward manner, avoiding jargon. For more complex content, provide summaries or simplify the information. Users should not have to guess what to do next; clear calls to action and error messages are essential.


Content must be robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies like screen readers. This means using standard HTML and following best practices for coding.

Ensure that your website is compatible with current and future technologies. Regularly test your site with different browsers and assistive technologies to confirm that it remains accessible.

Techniques for Making Content Accessible

Creating accessible content involves specific techniques that cater to the diverse needs of users. Here are some practical steps to make sure your digital content is accessible.

Use Alt Text for Images

Alternative text (alt text) is a written description of an image, which screen readers use to convey the content of the image to users who cannot see it. Alt text should be descriptive and concise, providing the same information that a sighted user would get from the image.

For example, instead of using generic alt text like "image1.jpg," a more descriptive text would be "A woman using a laptop in a coffee shop." This helps users understand the context and content of the image.

Provide Transcripts and Captions for Audio and Video

For audio and video content, provide transcripts and captions. Transcripts are written versions of the spoken content, whereas captions include both the spoken content and any other relevant sounds. These make the content accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing and also benefit users who prefer reading over listening.

Use Descriptive Links

When creating links, use descriptive text that clearly indicates the link's destination. Avoid using generic phrases like "click here" or "read more." Instead, use specific descriptions such as "Download the accessibility guide" or "Learn more about our services."

Descriptive links help users understand where the link will take them, which is particularly useful for those using screen readers.

Ensure Keyboard Accessibility

Many users rely on keyboards to navigate websites. Make sure that all interactive elements, such as forms, buttons, and menus, are accessible via keyboard. Test your site to ensure that users can navigate through it using only the keyboard.

Keyboard accessibility is crucial for users with motor disabilities who cannot use a mouse. Ensure that all functions are operable through keyboard shortcuts.

Use Semantic HTML

Using semantic HTML tags ensures that your content is structured logically and can be easily read by assistive technologies. For example, use heading tags (H1, H2, H3) for titles and headings, and use lists (UL, OL) for lists of items. This helps screen readers understand the structure and importance of the content.

Test with Real Users

One of the best ways to ensure your content is accessible is to test it with real users, including those with disabilities. User testing can provide valuable insights and highlight issues that you might not have identified.

Accessibility Statements and Compliance

An accessibility statement is a public declaration of your commitment to digital accessibility. It provides information on the current accessibility status of your website, as well as details on how users can report issues.

Creating an Accessibility Statement

An accessibility statement should include the following:

  1. Compliance Status: Indicate whether your website meets the accessibility standards, such as WCAG 2.1 AA.
  2. Known Issues: List any accessibility issues that you are aware of and your plans to address them.
  3. Contact Information: Provide a way for users to report accessibility issues or request assistance.
  4. Date of Statement: Include the date when the statement was last updated.

Having an accessibility statement shows your commitment to inclusivity and transparency. It also helps users understand what to expect and how to get help if needed.

Regular Audits and Updates

Accessibility is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. Regularly audit your website to ensure continuous compliance with accessibility standards. Make updates as needed to address new issues or changes in technology.

Use tools such as WAVE or Axe to conduct automated accessibility checks. Additionally, manual testing with real users can provide deeper insights into the user experience.

Best Practices for Social Media Accessibility

Social media is a vital part of digital content, and it’s important to make your social media content accessible as well. Here are some best practices to follow:

Use Alt Text for Images

Just like on your website, use alt text for images on social media. Many platforms, like Twitter and Facebook, offer options to add alt text to images. Make sure to use this feature to describe the content of your images.

Provide Descriptions for Videos

For videos, provide descriptions and captions. Platforms like YouTube and Facebook allow you to add captions to your videos. This makes your content accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Use Hashtags Sparingly and CamelCase

When using hashtags, use CamelCase to make them more readable. For example, instead of #socialmediacontent, use #SocialMediaContent. This helps screen readers pronounce the words correctly.

Avoid Overusing Emojis

While emojis can add personality to your posts, overusing them can make your content difficult to read, especially for screen readers. Use emojis sparingly and ensure they are relevant to the content.

Creating accessible digital content for UK websites is not just a legal requirement but a moral obligation to foster inclusivity. By understanding and implementing the principles of digital accessibility, you ensure that your content is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Techniques like using alt text, providing transcripts, and ensuring keyboard accessibility are practical steps toward making your content accessible.

Regular audits, accessibility statements, and best practices for social media can further enhance your commitment to accessibility. Remember, making your digital content accessible improves the user experience for everyone, leading to greater engagement and satisfaction.

By embracing accessibility, you not only comply with UK accessibility laws but also create a more inclusive digital world where everyone can participate and benefit. This comprehensive approach ensures that your digital content serves all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.